Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

Whether in a tree or on the forest floor, the tiger spider hunts like a fierce jungle cat and even has tiger-like coloring. This predator overpowers creatures bigger than itself and injects them with deadly venom. Even the babies of this species are vicious and deadly-they work together to take down victims several times their size.

Footloose: Sensitive pads on this predator's feet pick up the smallest vibrations made by prey. When the spider senses another creature nearby, it will crouch down and prepare to pounce.

Hidden Tiger: The tiger spider lurks in ambush on the forest floors of southern India. The colors and patterns that give this arachnid its name help it blend in with leaf litter.

Doubly Dangerous[]

Tiger Spider Back Image

This spider has eight eyes but still can't see well.

The tiger spider has two ways to make the kill. This arachnid pounces on smaller prey, such as insects, and pins them with its hairy legs as its jaws shred them to pieces. The tiger spider deals with larger prey, such as rodents, by injecting them with a dose of paralyzing venom through its hollow fangs. Muscles on the spider's underside then suck the remains of victims into its stomach.

Treehouse: This spider sets up a nest inside a deep tree hollow. The predator lays out tripwires made of silk outside the entrance to alert it to potential victims moving through its territory.

Rear of Fear: When cornered by an attacker, the tiger spider rears up on its hind legs to flash the yellow stripes on the back of its front legs. This serves as a warning to enemies that the spider is venomous.

Killer Kindergarten[]

  1. Young tiger spiders live together in a communal tree hollow until they mature. These spiderlings are just as aggressive as adults and are just as deadly. They react instantly when even a creature much larger than themselves sets off their tripwires.
  2. The small tiger spiders swarm over their victim and pump it so full of venom that it dies within seconds. When food is scarce, the spiderlings even turn on each other and won't hesitate to kill and eat their brothers and sisters.

Trading Card[]


  • The mini section on the front, "Footloose", is a reference to the 1984 Musical film and song of the same name from the movie, Footloose.