Weird n' Wild Creatures Wiki

This is a toad with attitude. The marine toad is one of the fiercest hunters in the amphibian world, and it also causes trouble for predators wherever it goes. Toxic glands on this toad's body are loaded with poisons that come squirting out when the animal is under attack. This adaptable toad settles into a variety of terrains, and its population can grow to plague proportion; the toad armies can rise to dominate an area and run off much bigger animals from the territory.

Sour Milk: This creature is big for an amphibian, and looks like a juicy meal to many predators. Attacking the marine toad can be a deadly mistake-two glands behind its head squirt milky poisons that can kill just about any enemy.

Big Slurp: The marine toad is a great hunter. When it finds insect prey, the creature lashes out with its long, sticky tongue. The toad can also gobble up animals that are nearly as big as itself by pouncing from behind and swallowing them with its strong jaws.

"Toadal" Domination[]

Marine Toad Back Image

This is one big toad.

The marine toad is native to South America, but takes control of areas where it is introduced-and can even survive in saltwater (which is how it got its name). When this amphibian breeds, it lays up to 30,000 eggs (most toads lay about 1,000 at a time). The tadpoles mature within two months, then wipe habitats clean of prey. They even poison predators that attack them. The ferocious Tasmanian devil has practically disappeared in parts of Tasmania after trying to eat these toads. Some crows flip the toad on its back and attack its belly.

No Fear: This toad doesn't care what it eats, and hunts any creature that will fit into its mouth. Marine toads are known to fearlessly chase after young venomous snakes, and even rustle up bees' nests so they can pick off the stinging insects one by one.

What Germs? The secret to the marine toad's success is that it can thrive in many different habitats. Most amphibians have to breed in clean water, but this creature can begin life in a murky puddle and feel right at home.

Attack of the Killer Toad[]

  1. A hungry monitor lizard moves in to attack. But the marine toad stands its ground against the threatening reptile, and inflates its body with air to make itself appear bigger.
  2. Thinking that this kill is going to be easy, the monitor lizard lunges in to take a bite. As soon as it does, the marine toad squeezes a blast of milky toxins from its poison glands.
  3. The monitor lizard hits the ground in an instant, and is unable to move. The marine toad hops away, leaving the lizard to take its last few breaths before it dies.

Trading Card[]

